Tuesday, February 28, 2006



Editor's note: the string "@#@#@#" means laughter, as in "aHaHaHa," not swearing.

lilshametongue (12:33:32 PM): OH THE CLOWN-MANITY
jimmyddavies (12:33:36 PM): @#@#
jimmyddavies (12:33:45 PM): so first-- what exactly is a rodeo clown?
lilshametongue (12:34:05 PM): they distract the bull when the rider falls so he can get to safety
lilshametongue (12:34:11 PM): is my understanding
jimmyddavies (12:34:17 PM): makes sense
jimmyddavies (12:34:24 PM): we all know how BULLS LOVE CLOWN
jimmyddavies (12:34:38 PM): like chameleons like golashes
lilshametongue (12:34:41 PM): makes sense--IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LAMEST OF SPORTS
jimmyddavies (12:35:11 PM): and play darts instead?/
lilshametongue (12:35:23 PM): the clown makeup and prantics are for the rodeo audience, DIMWIT
jimmyddavies (12:36:01 PM): you know how bars have an industry night?
jimmyddavies (12:36:07 PM): maybe it was industry day at the rodeo
jimmyddavies (12:36:17 PM): so clowns from all over went to watch
jimmyddavies (12:36:21 PM): and nobody worked
jimmyddavies (12:39:11 PM): notice the baby clown in the audience
lilshametongue (12:48:06 PM): @#@#@#@
jimmyddavies (12:48:32 PM): not only are these people clowns, they arrived in full clown regalia.
lilshametongue (12:49:39 PM): yes
lilshametongue (12:49:43 PM): as revenge
jimmyddavies (12:49:52 PM): it's probably revenge

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


lilshametongue: Jim Davies.
jimmyddavies: It's you.
lilshametongue: yeah
jimmyddavies: I think "The Other Girls," while not hilarious, has got two classic PBF elements.
lilshametongue: kinda busy today
lilshametongue: and have to get lunch
lilshametongue: let me read it now
lilshametongue: so she's a vampire, right?
jimmyddavies: yes
lilshametongue: eh.
jimmyddavies: I like the sad made-up face in the mirror at the end.
lilshametongue: seems like she should have no reflection whatsoever
jimmyddavies: he had to tweak the vampire myth a bit
lilshametongue: that's how it always is in horror flicks
jimmyddavies: so the makeup would show up
jimmyddavies: yes
lilshametongue: yeah i guess so
jimmyddavies: she'd have to be naked to be invisible in the PBF vampire world
lilshametongue: makes her more like the invisible girl
jimmyddavies: with no makeup
lilshametongue: i like the mother's hair in the first frame
jimmyddavies: yes. Invisible girl. This comic is basically a rip off of the fantastic four.
jimmyddavies: yes
lilshametongue: sigh.
jimmyddavies: art deco style drawing. (right?)
lilshametongue: yeah
lilshametongue: that's what i likelilshametongue: and pre-raphaelite
lilshametongue: ok
lilshametongue: getting lunch
lilshametongue: haven't eaten today
jimmyddavies: the book in the last frame looks like it's called "JEMUK"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Cupid Mistake

[15:04] Alison Way: cupid mistake not very good on pbf
[15:04] *** Auto-response sent to Alison Way: I am currently away from the computer.
[15:04] Alison Way: took a while to get
[15:05] Alison Way: though i like the orgy end scene
[15:47] jimmyddavies: hi
[15:47] *** Auto-response from Alison Way: I am currently away from the computer.
[15:48] jimmyddavies: I like it
[15:49] jimmyddavies: I like how the clouds are heart-shaped
[15:49] jimmyddavies: and the orgy is red-tinted because of the heart cloud-cover
[16:01] Alison Way: yeah. eh.
[16:01] Alison Way: not his best
[16:01] jimmyddavies: isn't it cute how he pulls his cloud over his head to protect himself?
[16:02] Alison Way: wasn't that impressed, to be honest
[16:02] jimmyddavies: I'M GATHERING THAT
[16:02] jimmyddavies: @#@#
[16:02] Alison Way: (water)
[16:02] Alison Way: YOU CAN'T FORCE A BLOG, JIM.
[16:02] jimmyddavies: the glass of water won't show up on the blog, by the way.
[16:03] Alison Way: HOW ABOUT: isgh.
[16:03] Alison Way: sigh.
[16:03] jimmyddavies: that should read

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